
Christmas Sticker Shock?

First Post!

As we just finished the whirlwind of Christmas, New Year's, traveling, treats, and family functions, let's take a step back and look at what the effect of all that had on our finances.

Did you spend over your budget on Christmas gifts? (I did!)
Did your travels break the bank?
Did you spend more than your usually grocery bill?

The holiday season doesn't need to result in a crash-and-burn for your budget.

Try this: Calculate how much you spent during the past month or two that are unique to the holiday season.  Divide that by twelve.  The amount you get is how much extra you should save each month toward Christmas.  (But be sure you stay within your holiday budget when Christmas rolls around next year!)  If you do this, your bank balance on January 1st won't be such a shocker.

I hope this blog is helpful for you. Be sure to leave comments with questions or suggestions!