
April 15 = Taxes Due!

If you haven't filed your taxes yet, quit procrastinating! You don't want to be stuck rushing to finish at 11:00 at night on April 15...Plus, you might be pleasantly surprised with a refund :)

If you are not planning to hire an accountant or tax prep agency, I recommend TurboTax. Personally, I've never used any other program (besides the professional program for accountants when I was preparing taxes as an intern at Mikunda Cottrell, & Co., who are great if you are in Alaska and want taxes done professionally). It' s pretty easy to use if you make sure to READ EVERYTHING carefully. I've never had a problem with it. Depending on the complexity of your taxes, you may even be able to file for free, but be careful. Last year I accidentally asked for it to file my UT state return for my on-campus job and didn't realize that they were going to charge me for it. I ended up paying more to file the state return with Turbo Tax than I paid in taxes to Utah! Just don't rush through it and you will be fine.

If it's coming down to the wire and you don't think you will be able to finish in time, DON'T FORGET to file an extension with our good buddies at the IRS.