
Clippin' Coupons

Do you clip coupons? Coupons are a great way to lower your grocery bill every week - you'd be surprised how the savings add up throughout the course of a year.

If you're like me, you clip coupons with every intention of using them, then you forget to take them with you to the store, lose them, or don't feel like sorting through the stack.

Here's a great way to organize your coupons.
Find a binder and some business card or trading card sheet protectors. Then, as you clip your coupons, slid them into the slots so you can see the product. I like this method because you can take the binder with you to the grocery store, then easily take a quick glance through it to find the coupon you need. You might even want to highlight the expiration date so you don't forget to use it in time. You could also get some binder tabs to keep them better organized.

Happy clipping!